Here at Blank Canvas Entertainment team building and team motivating is something that is extremely important to us, and luckily we have a lot of AWESOME team building activities that we have had the privilege to try out! From whacky races and magic workshops to sushi making and cocktail master classes we have a long list of activities that can massively benefit how teams work efficiently and effectively together.
Top Five Reasons for Team Building:
Improving communication – activities that create a discussion or skill enable an open communication among employees and between employees and management, which some members of the team may not have had previous exposure to. This can improve relationships and in turn the quality of the work being done.
Top team-building exercise for communication: Archery.
Motivating a team- team leadership and team building go hand in hand. The more comfortable an employee feels to express their ideas and opinions, which, initially takes place outside of the office in a less formal setting, the more confident they will become inside the work place and will therefore motivate them to take on new challenges.
Top team-building exercise for motivation: Wacky Races.
Getting to know each other to break the barrier- team building increases the trust factor within a team. Often in a more corporate setting there can be a total disconnect between the leadership/management team and the employees, as sometimes it can feel as if there is too large a gap between the two. Team building exercises can erase the hierarchical structure so that each member of the team can get to know each other on a more personal level and for ‘the boss’ to be seen as a colleague which can instantly boost employee morale.
Top team-building exercise for barrier breaking: Circus Workshop.
Improving team productivity and creativity- taking a team outside of an office environment and exposing them to new experiences will naturally encourage and force people to think outside of their normal every day routines. Working together with other members of the team, who encourage fresh ideas amongst the team, which are great qualities to bring back into the office environment.
Top tip to enhance creativity and productivity: Cocktail Making Master class.
Improving problem-solving skills – in most industries a crisis/problem can happen at any time. Team building exercises that require co-workers to work collectively to solve problems can improve the team’s ability to think rationally and strategically. Teams that are able to determine when a problem arises and know not only what they can do about it, but where their co-workers strengths lie when dealing with a particular problem, can then effectively and quickly find a solution to solve this.
Top team-building exercise for problem solving: Magic Workshop.
The list as to why team building is so important is endless; especially as it encourages the improvement of interpersonal skills such as communication, negotiation, leadership and motivation, which is important for both individuals and teams alike. Before we end this team Monday motivating blog post we wanted to also share with you our top five T – E – A – M slogans as after all there is no I in team 😉
Top Five BCE Team Slogans:
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” – Michael Jordan
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”- Ryunosuke Satoro
“The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.”- Margaret Carty
“The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team” – John Wooden
“When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion” – Ethiopian Proverb
Happy team motivating Monday 🙂
BCE xx