The British Tenors

The British Tenors have entertained audiences in concerts and private and corporate events for over 20 years in the UK, in Europe and the United States of America.

As you would expect, the tenors include the great arias such as the world famous Nessun Dorma, the brilliant La Donna E Mobile and wonderful arias by Puccini and Verdi, as well as the great Neapolitan songs such as O Sole Mio. Throughout their performances, the British Tenors sing as a trio to create magical moments from Opera, Musical Theatre and beyond.

Being British, the tenors like to lighten things up with humour, and audiences love the stories they tell throughout the programme.

  • "They were truly wonderful, everyone commented on their set and how fantastic they was."
    Tom - Corporate Client
  • "They are fantastic performers!"
    Dean - Corporate Client
  • "We were really really impressed by their performance."
    Tina - Corporate Client
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(11547) ["title"]=> string(16) "The Gospel Choir" ["desc"]=> string(5) "Choir" ["image"]=> string(99) "" }
The Gospel Choir
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(10167) ["title"]=> string(19) "Christmas Carollers" ["desc"]=> string(13) "Carol Singers" ["image"]=> string(108) "" }
Christmas Carollers
Carol Singers
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Christmas Carollers