Folk and Pop Band

Sazu’s inspiration is drawn from Folk, Reggae and Gypsy Jazz. They keep the music up beat at all times, but it will sound unlike anything you have heard before.

The line-up consists of five highly experienced and talented musicians, playing a range of instruments including double bass, acoustic guitars, banjo, drums, electric guitar, bass, keys and melodica, topped off with three excellent female vocalists.

Sazu play a repertoire of well known Rock, Pop, Folk, Hip Hop and RnB and mix in their own quirky style to create a setlist like no other.

  • "What a band."
    Sarah - Private Client
  • "They got everyone dancing and were energetic, fun, amazing musicians and vocalists."
    Bex - Private Client
  • "Amazing band. Loved the quirky style!"
    Mark - Private Client
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(12187) ["title"]=> string(9) "The Folks" ["desc"]=> string(10) "Party Band" ["image"]=> string(90) "" }
The Folks
Party Band
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(12181) ["title"]=> string(10) "The Nights" ["desc"]=> string(10) "Party Band" ["image"]=> string(92) "" }
The Nights
Party Band
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(838) ["title"]=> string(10) "The Tommys" ["desc"]=> string(9) "Folk Band" ["image"]=> string(89) "" }
The Tommys
Folk Band
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