Comedian Quiz Host
Games and Quizzes

We can provide a comedian to host a virtual quiz night for your guests.

Our acts range from young, up-and-coming talent to household names, and their sets can be tailored to suit your event, ensuring the every guest is entertained.

array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(18054) ["title"]=> string(12) "Game of Who?" ["desc"]=> string(17) "Games and Quizzes" ["image"]=> string(92) "" }
Game of Who?
Games and Quizzes
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(18061) ["title"]=> string(20) "Songwriting Workshop" ["desc"]=> string(17) "Games and Quizzes" ["image"]=> string(102) "" }
Songwriting Workshop
Games and Quizzes
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(18050) ["title"]=> string(10) "Music Quiz" ["desc"]=> string(17) "Games and Quizzes" ["image"]=> string(132) "" }
Music Quiz
Games and Quizzes
Related acts
Game of Who?
Songwriting Workshop
Music Quiz